Memoirs of a Tiny Man by Aborigen - 1AUG00

Trying Again

okay i can see already this is going to be a problem

first i have to wait until no ones coming past my office before i can write anything and then i have to leap around like a flea andtry to hit the righ tkeys and make this look least i seem lighter now, that gives me more energy to hop from key to key. maybe after doing this for a while it wont even be tiring

christ i've been shrunken to the size of an action figure and i'm talking about a workout program...........

how am i going to get out o f here? oh good if i stretch my legs i can hit the space bar and something nearby like this?????or this""""""that'll be helpful

wait, exactly how will this be helpful??? oh goody i can use a broader range of puctuation marks fucking wonderful i can feel myself growing back up to normal size already, like i'm fucking scrooge and insted of learning the meaning of christmas all i have to do is learn to type properly as a itny littleperson and WHY AM I GOING ON AND ON ABOUT THIS STUPID BULLSHIT111

wow caps lock comes in handy too.

should i try to signal someone? should i try to hide forever and sneak food from the breakroom or osmething? my god just look at those feet..........everything's so huge, oh my god steve or alicia or someone could step on me and maybe not even notice oh my god oh my god i cant let anyone find me

i've got to find something to eat and then i guess i should look for shelter..........SOMEONE ANYONE if youre reading this please get me help a doctor or someone..........wait this is a medical clinic, why dont i just look for a doctor myself???? whoops stepped too long on that key

holy fuck it is scary to see someone walking past my work station at this size........they're just like giants, they're so huge its incredible it really is scary, it's like something out of a dream a horrible dream.......there are my clothes on the chair.......what are people going to think?? hahaha oh this is almost funny except i'm scared to death

i have to go find something to eat...........more tomorrow.............wish me luck

Next: Two Close Calls