Memoirs of a Tiny Man by Aborigen - 7AUG00

Weekend At Alicia's

here i am back at alicia's desk--i've decided to give up on capital letters for the time being, too hard and the difference is negligible--typing away about my adventures. i wonder if this is all there will be to my life, just writing away about things that happen to me, nothing ever changing, never going back to my original size..........

i wonder if i want to go back, anyway. i hear that my phone is ringing off the hook at my cubicle as people are trying to get a hold of me. a couple of them are bill collectors, others are probably friends that want to know where i've been. stuff like that. it's really hard to be very concerned when i realize how very fully i've left that life behind's difficult to describe. it's not just a matter of closing the door behind me, but being kicked out of the room, having the door chained, bolted, and welded shut, bricked up, and then the building demolished while i'm flown to another, another country. another land entirely with new customs where my old rules no longer apply.

basically my main rule is "don't piss off alicia" which falls under the "don't bite the hand that feeds you" category, with the "especially when that hand alone is four times larger than you" corollary. and it's easy enough not to piss her off, my new caretaker, all i have to do is watch the smart remarks and put up with her jokes. she jokes all the time--all i have to do is put on a smile and go along with it. oh, now she's frowning at me as i hop around and write this; it's true, sweetheart. we didn't hang out when i was normal-sized because of our differences, but really it's not so bad. i mean, i can kinda get used to her and there are very definitely benefits to this arrangement. and it doesn't bother her to keep me around, she says i'm better than a "tamagochi", more interesting. whatever that means.

i just hung around with her all weekend while she went to the farmer's market and the art fair. it was a lot of fun. she always made sure to wear a t-shirt with a pocket or a loose skirt with pockets to keep me with her at all times. personally i'm starting to contemplate the advantage of a nice pair of tight jeans but she says she doesn't even own any. i don't know whether to believe her. but i can think of worse fates than trotting around in the breast pocket of a woman with really nice breasts. everywhere we went was this huge boob bobbling and jostling behind me, her nipple getting harder and harder and nudging against me insistently like a cat in heat--whoa, hey! don't swat me, i'm only telling it like it is! that's what it reminded me of. and i felt a little bad that i couldn't attend to it in my usual fashion but once in a while i tried to scratch through the fabric of her shirt and bra to get at her aureola. varying degrees of success. i'm afraid i got her irritated more than anything else, and that simply meant holding my breath while her enormous hand rose up, covered me, and her palm ground me roughly into her breastmeat. nothing but warm, soft breast surrounding me, except for the side with her tender palm cupping me. it was quite a weekend.

as much fun as all that was, i have to say i like sleeping with her. we don't sleep with each other like normal people do, obviously, but she feels bold enough to let me share the mattress with her--ostensibly i'm supposed to stay on my pillow or my side of the bed, but sometimes i come crawling over to her in her sleep, or sometimes she reaches out for me and draws me nearer. i don't know whether she's asleep or not when sheas;lku'';'

Hi, this is Alicia. I would like to say right here and now that I most certainly do not do any of that like he says I do! If we happen to end up closer to each other in waking up than we did when we went to sleep, perhaps that's just coincidence or my being a restless sleeper. Last I checked that was still legal! Now I'll return James to you.

that's kind of unfair, being able to just snatch me up in the middle of typing.........well, what am i gonna do about it.

anyway, one way or another, we'd end up in close physical proximity to each other and i enjoyed it. i loved crawling up to her huge face as it lay on her pillow. she has a full mane of chestnut ringlets and when she takes her glasses off she has beautiful huge eyes.......i mean even normal-sized she does. at my size of course it looks like i could just fall into them. i like to kneel on the pillow in front of her face while she sleeps, right before her mouth as she breathes. she doesn't have bad breath, either, just warm air rushing all around me. even in the dim light of her bedroom i can see her face fairly clearly and stare into her mouth, it's just black and goes on forever...........maybe it's the eeriness of realizing how small i am and how large she is and staring into her mouth which could easily swallow me whole, i find that really erotic. ha ha, she's threatening to snatch me off the keyboard again but it's true. it really is a turn-on to lean in way close to her lips, just brushing the sides of my head, and stare into her mouth past her teeth as her breath rushes over my entire body. and one night she must have felt something because her lips closed around my head and held me tight. she rolled onto her back and her huge hand came up and brushed my head out of her mouth so i was just lying on her face. i held real still for a minute--no, her hand didn't hurt me, she's asking me that now--and just sat there waiting for something else but there was nothing else so i grabbed onto her nostril and lowered myself down her cheek. i fell and rolled against her ear and just stayed there for a while waiting to see if she was going to move but i must have fallen asleep because next thing i knew it was morning, she was already dressed by the time i woke up. that sucked, i really would have liked to have seen her pulling on her clothes. she puts me in her jewelry box and closes the lid whenever she needs to change for anything.

oops, that upset her, guess i have to end this early. i'll write more later when i get the chance.

Next: Men in Black